
SeparableModelResult.ampgo(params=None, **kws)

Finds the global minimum of a multivariate function using the AMPGO (Adaptive Memory Programming for Global Optimization) algorithm.

  • params (Parameters, optional) – Contains the Parameters for the model. If None, then the Parameters used to initialize the Minimizer object are used.
  • **kws (dict, optional) –

    Minimizer options to pass to the ampgo algorithm, the options are listed below:

    local: str (default is 'L-BFGS-B')
        Name of the local minimization method. Valid options are:
        - 'L-BFGS-B'
        - 'Nelder-Mead'
        - 'Powell'
        - 'TNC'
        - 'SLSQP'
    local_opts: dict (default is None)
        Options to pass to the local minimizer.
    maxfunevals: int (default is None)
        Maximum number of function evaluations. If None, the optimization will stop
        after `totaliter` number of iterations.
    totaliter: int (default is 20)
        Maximum number of global iterations.
    maxiter: int (default is 5)
        Maximum number of `Tabu Tunneling` iterations during each global iteration.
    glbtol: float (default is 1e-5)
        Tolerance whether or not to accept a solution after a tunneling phase.
    eps1: float (default is 0.02)
        Constant used to define an aspiration value for the objective function during
        the Tunneling phase.
    eps2: float (default is 0.1)
        Perturbation factor used to move away from the latest local minimum at the
        start of a Tunneling phase.
    tabulistsize: int (default is 5)
        Size of the (circular) tabu search list.
    tabustrategy: str (default is 'farthest')
        Strategy to use when the size of the tabu list exceeds `tabulistsize`. It
        can be 'oldest' to drop the oldest point from the tabu list or 'farthest'
        to drop the element farthest from the last local minimum found.
    disp: bool (default is False)
        Set to True to print convergence messages.

Object containing the parameters from the ampgo method, with fit parameters, statistics and such. The return values (x0, fval, eval, msg, tunnel) are stored as ampgo_<parname> attributes.

Return type:


New in version 0.9.10.


The Python implementation was written by Andrea Gavana in 2014 (

The details of the AMPGO algorithm are described in the paper “Adaptive Memory Programming for Constrained Global Optimization” located here: